2024 Events
+ Projects
Camp Kawartha Talk & Tour
Learn from an environmental specialist how to naturalize your own shoreline at our Camp Kawartha Restoration Talk & Tour.
When: Saturday, July 27th, 2 pm
For more details, and to sign up for the tour, contact Lois Wallace at

Natural Edge
Once again this season Environment Council is assisting the Kawartha Lake Stewards Association (KLSA) to deliver the amazing Natural Edge shoreline restoration program to our lakes, and we are looking for homeowners hoping to naturalize their waterfront area and volunteers to help with the planting. There are planting days schedule for Ston(e)y at the beginning of June. Beautiful naturalized shorelines have so many benefits — for participating landowners and the health of lakes. To get involved, contact Kim Ong at kim.ong@klsa.info. For more information about what we mean by "healthy shorelines" and how they benefit our lakes, click here.

Conserving Nature
And the future of your property through a Conversation Easement Agreement (CEA).
What is a Conservation Easement Agreement?
A CEA allows interested waterfront property owners the opportunity to register on the title of their properties a permanent commitment to maintaining its natural features. Preserving natural shorelines and important wetlands are good examples of why a CEA might be considered, and the agreement is honoured in perpetuity, whether the land is sold or passed down to family members. In exchange for this important commitment to conservation, an income tax receipt is issued to the owner of the property and capital gains tax may be reduced.
CEAs are an important mechanism that can be used to protect lake health and support cottage succession planning, but more information is required on what kinds of properties are eligible. Through research and case studies with volunteering cottagers, KLT will soon be able to offer a new tool to lake residents concerned about the future of the lake. The research will also support Environment Council advocacy on shoreline protection bylaws.
The Environment Council and KLT look forward to working with the lake associations and the broader lake community to raise awareness about this program to protect our shorelines. For more information on CEAs and how you can help, go to www.kawarthalandtrust.org.

Stoney Lake Sprint
This 5k run/walk supports the important work of the Stony Lake Heritage Foundation and Kawartha Land Trust. Funds raised will go toward upkeep of important protected natural areas, such as the Stoney Lake Trail System and surrounding Trust lands.
WHEN: Saturday, July 20, 9:30 am
WHERE: Viamede Resort
Stop by the Environment Council info table to chat about the wonderful work happening to protect the lake and lands we all love. And look for us at other events and meetings around the lake this spring and summer. For more information about the Sprint, contact Carrie Scace at carriescace@gmail.com.
Lovesick Lake Trailer Park
At the end of 2023, Peterborough County and Selwyn Township posted updated Applications for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by the owners of Lovesick Lake Trailer Park, just upstream from Burleigh Falls. Approval is being sought for 38 to 40 new trailer sites on top of the escarpment, just above part of the existing trailer park (previously Stricker’s Resort). In support of the Lovesick Lake Association and its Preservation Committee, Environment Council and the larger associations on Stoney and Clear Lakes have written to the County and Township Planning Departments, elected officials, and representatives of other regulatory agencies. These letters express concerns about the impacts of the proposed development on Lovesick Lake and our downstream lakes, particularly in the Burleigh Channel. To read EC's response to the proposed expansion, click below.
UPDATE: A public meeting about the proposed expansion of the trailer park has now been scheduled for Monday, June 17th at 5 pm. To read about the meeting and options for attendance, including in person and observing the meeting on You Tube, click below.

Shoreline Conservation Initiative
Council and its partners at the Kawartha Land Trust and Fleming College (among others) have published a new map of our lakes revealing the altered shoreline conditions and remaining natural shoreline. To read about this fascinating project and why it's important to the future health of our lakes, click below.

Naturalized shorelines are a huge contributor to the health of our lakes. They diminish run-off, provide habitat and food for wildlife, prevent erosion, and improve our lake water quality. (And – bonus! – they inhibit geese.) To learn more naturalized shorelines – why they're so important and how to create one on your own waterfront – click below.
Starry stonewort (SSW) is an aggressive, invasive macro alga that has spread rapidly throughout the Kawartha lakes, having previously established itself in the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence, Lake Simcoe and other lakes. While there is presently no way to rid our lakes of this damaging species it's vital that we learn to prevent its spread.

Human uses, particularly inappropriate development of lake shoreline properties over time, have taken a large toll on natural heritage, habitat and lake health. Stony and Clear Lakes alone have over 2,000 developed waterfront properties. Now, a group of EC members is committed to addressing the need for shoreline and natural heritage protection for lakes via improved, proactive policy protection through township by-laws and enforcement.