Who We Are
Meet the Environment Council leadership team

Roslyn Moore
Roz has enjoyed cottaging on Stony Lake since 1991, sharing goals and projects for lake sustainability with many wonderful friends and colleagues.
Roz has spent most of her career and all of her retirement time working in the environmental network on conservation, research, planning policy and monitoring projects. Long-time partners include community stakeholders, non-profit organizations, federal and provincial governments.
She is a founding member of the Environment Council (2008-present), a former Chair and current Trustee of Kawartha Land Trust and enjoys working with other lake partners including Kawartha Lake Stewards Association, Stony Lake Heritage Foundation, Fleming College, and the North Kawartha Shoreline Conservation Initiative of Peterborough County (SCIPC) – a partner with the Environment Council Shoreline Conservation Initiative.
Current activities include ongoing water quality monitoring in consultation with the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, Kawartha Conservation staff; ongoing partnerships with SCIPC and Kawartha Land Trust efforts to protect and conserve Stony and Clear Lakes, and three North Kawartha Lakes shorelines and adjacent lands.

John Huycke
As the former Environment Director for the Association of Stoney Lake Cottagers (ASLC) and an executive member of the Environment Council for a number of years, John has been actively engaged in a variety of environmental topics in the community including organizing Sustainable Cottaging Day at Juniper Island, raising awareness regarding Starry Stonewort, and representing ASLC at the OMB hearing in the battle to protect the Fraser Wetlands.
John brings considerable leadership experience from the private sector in healthcare combined with international non-profit experience in a variety of settings and countries. John is particularly interested in engaging youth on our lakes in Environment Council activities and building stewardship opportunities to ensure the future health of our lakes is in good hands for the next generation.

Communications and Association Liaison
Carrie Scace
Carrie is one of our newest executive members. A Lower Stony Lake cottager since 2010, Carrie has been actively involved in many aspects of lake life, serving as the Stony Lake Yacht Club's Director of Tennis, and as race director for the annual Stoney Lake Sprint. She is passionate about promoting responsible stewardship on our lakes, ensuring that future generations can enjoy the same clear waters, natural shorelines and protected lands that have made Stony Lake such a special place for her family. Carrie looks forward to working with lake association representatives on Environment Council to make this happen.
A lifelong runner and hiker, Carrie is especially thankful for the tireless efforts by the Kawartha Land Trust to protect and preserve unique areas around our lakes.

Communications & Acting Secretary
Lois Wallace
Lois has been in love with Stoney Lake since 1995. She has had a life-long interest in gardening and nature, especially birds and wildflowers, and has created a native plant garden.
After studying journalism, Lois spent 31 years in corporate communications and public affairs, where she handled many environmental issues.
Since joining Environment Council in 2008, Lois has put her interests and work experience together to assist the Council with communications and education, especially on shoreland protection and restoration. This has included deputations to local Township Councils on the need for protective bylaws.
Lois was part of the Environment Council shoreline team that initiated a joint project to restore two heavily eroded sections of shoreline at Camp Kawartha on Clear Lake in 2019 and 2020. She leads a group of volunteers who help maintain these plantings, and organizes educational tours of this demonstration site.
Lois assists Kawartha Lake Stewards with delivery of the Watersheds Canada Natural Edge shoreline restoration program to our lakes, and helps with planting. She can also be found hiking and helping clear trails on Kawartha Land Trust properties, or kayaking among Stoney Lake’s magnificent islands.

Susie Young Moore
Susie is a native Torontonian whohas recently retired from healthcare practice after 30 years in Arizona. She is a new summer island resident on Stoney Lake where her family has had a cottage since 1890.
Susie has also studied ecology and biology and is a lifelong nature enthusiast. She and her husband Brian are motivated to preserve the heritage of the lake and Susie hopes that their involvement with the Environment Council will have a lasting impact on the sustainability of the community and will encourage the widespread adoption of positively impactful practices. As part of the communications team she hopes to meet people from all around Stoney, White and Clear Lakes and spread education through social awareness.

Shelagh Landsmann
As a fourth-generation Stoney Laker on Roxborough Island, Shelagh has been a permanent resident on South Bay for the past 35 years. As both a cottager and permanent resident, she's always had a great love for Stoney Lake and all it has to offer. As owner/publisher of The Laker’s Link for 20 years, Shelagh was always pleased to include whatever information the Environment Council (EC) wished to publicize. Although Shelagh was involved with the EC in its early years, she had to withdraw from its work due to her busy schedule publishing The Laker’s Link, being on Municipal Council and as a director of the Upper Stoney Lake Association. Now retired from business, Shelagh is delighted to again be involved with an enthusiastic and energetic group of people who care as much about the health of our lakes and surroundings as she does!