Our donors provide an indispensable source of funding which allows the EC to carry out ongoing projects (such as our Healthy Shorelines initiative and dissolved oxygen sampling) and to initiate new ones. In 2020, as we prepared to launch a large-scale, comprehensive Aquatic Ecosystem Monitoring (AEM) program, those same donors backed us with unprecedented financial support. The Stony Lake Heritage Foundation – a long-time supporter of EC projects – contributed $7,250 to this vital work. Collectively in 2020 our lake associations donated $6,300 to support both ongoing projects and the new AEM program. Supporting associations are the Kawartha Park Cottagers' Association, the Association of Stony Lake Cottagers, the Upper Stoney Lake Association, the Juniper Point Cottage Owners' Association, the Birchcliff Property Owners' Association, the White Lake Cottagers Association, and Sandy Point Association. In addition, we received a new grant for $1,000 from the Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations (FOCA). All of these donors continue to play a critical role in protecting our natural lake environment.
Of course, we welcome the donations of individuals, too, and are grateful for the generous support of our community! If you'd like to contribute to the work of the EC, you can do so by donating to the Stony Lake Heritage Foundation (tax receipts available) by clicking here.

Environment Council Funding
Sources of Support
The Environment Council for Clear, Ston(e)y and White Lakes relies on three main sources of funding – private donations made through the Stony Lake Heritage Foundation, grants and donations for special projects obtained through funding programs offered by governments, corporations and foundations, and support from the property owner and cottage associations around the lakes.
The value of these grants and donations is multiplied by countless hours of volunteer time. Our entire organization is made up of volunteers and we use the funding we obtain very carefully, giving donors good value for their money.
Making a Difference
Environment Council had a busy year in 2020. Despite the challenges presented by COVID-19, we moved forward with our field work plans. With the approval of Trent University and Fleming College to engage students, and with special regard for the safety of our field team – and indeed the safety of all our volunteers, including those who helped replant and weed the Camp Kawartha shoreline, we accomplished a good deal in summer 2020, including:
• The completion of our two-year project to restore damaged sections of the Camp Kawartha shoreline to a natural state. This engaged more than 20 lake community volunteers, many of them youth. The site will now be used to show waterfront owners the benefits of shoreline restoration and how to do it;
• ongoing monitoring, mapping and communications on Starry Stonewort (SSW) including a partnership with Fleming College and Trent University to monitor aquatic macrophytes, including SSW;
• working with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Trent Severn Waterway/Parks Canada, Ontario Invasive Plant Council and Fleming College to draft fact sheets and information on best management practices for Starry Stonewort;
• a partnership with Dr. Tom Whillans at Trent University and Ulinks to do benthic biomonitoring in Ston(e)y, White and Clear Lakes in September 2020;
• and a partnership to do turtle species at risk monitoring (pending approval of federal grant applications and COVID-19).
Your Participation is Important
We are excited about rebuilding the EC to engage youth and increase our capacity to address the many challenges we face to maintain and protect healthy lakes, but we can’t do it without you. Help support our work!